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Tulisan Terbaru

Bing Search Engine

Bing Search Engine, formerly Live Search, MSN Search or Windows Live Search, is a type of search engine site under the auspices of Microsoft. Bing is a form of reincarnation by Microsoft for its three previous search engines, namely Windows Live Search, Live Search and MSN Search. Definition of Bing Search EngineBing is a search…

What is Medium?

What is Medium? Medium is a social publishing system that’s available to all and the home of a varied array of tales, ideas, and point of views. Anybody can be an individual factor, and popular subjects on Medium range from psychological health and wellness to social media, and from globe events and trending information to…

F-22 Raptor

The Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor is an American single-seat, twin-engine, all-weather stealth tactical competitor airplane developed for the Unified Specifies Air Force (USAF). The outcome of the USAF’s Advanced Tactical Competitor (ATF) program, the airplane was designed as an air supremacy competitor, but also has ground attack, digital war, and indicates knowledge abilities. The prime…

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